Laws of the Game

Laws of the Game
Laws of the Game

Laws of the Game

Laws of the Game

Laws of the Game

Law 1- The Field of Play

  • The field is rectangular, with the touchline being longer than the end line.  The length of the field may be no less than 25 yards and no more than 42 yards long.  The width of the field may be no less than 15 yards wide and  no more than 25 yards wide.
  • The penalty area shall be marked out at each end of the pitch as follows:
    • Quarter circles, with a 6yd radius, shall be drawn centered on the outside of each goal post. The quarter circles shall be drawn from the goal line to meet two imaginary lines 6yd in length drawn at right angles to the goal line from the outside of the goalpost. The upper part of each quarter circle shall be joined by a 3yd line running parallel to the goal line between the goalposts.
    • The curved line marking the outer limit of the penalty area is known as the penalty arc.

1.1 The penalty spot

The ball will be placed by the referee on an imaginary spot equidistant from the midpoint between the goalposts, according to the following standards (NOTE this is not the top of the penalty arc:

U10-U12 – 8 yds

U14-Adult – 10 yds


1.3 Substitution zones

The substitution zones are the areas on the touch line in front of the

team benches that the players shall use to enter and leave the pitch.

a. the substitution zones are situated in front of the team benches

and are 5 m in length.

b. the area in front of the time/scorekeeper’s table 5 m to either side of the

halfway line shall be kept clear


1.4 The goals

The goals shall be placed in the middle of each goal line. They shall

consist of two upright posts equidistant from each corner and joined

at the top by a horizontal crossbar.


The distance (inside measurement) between the posts shall be 3 m and

the distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground shall

be 2 m.



Law 2- The Ball

2.1 Approved Ball Specifications: The ball shall be:

• All league play shall utilize an official Futsal ball, Size 3

Law 3- Number of Players

3.1 Teams: The game shall be played by two teams each consisting of 5 players on the field, including a goalkeeper. The minimum number of players on the pitch will be 4, including a goalkeeper. Teams may roster up to 10 players. If multiple time penalties are being served, each team must have a minimum of 3 players on the field, including the goalkeeper.

If, at 5 minutes past the scheduled game time, a team cannot field a team with the minimum amount of eligible players, they will forfeit the match and their opponent will have the rights to the turf until 5 minutes before the next scheduled game. All matches that are forfeited are officially recorded as a 4-0 victory for the non-forfeiting team. CAPITAL SOCCER WILL NOT OFFICIATE SCRIMMAGES DUE TO FORFEITED MATCHES.

3.2 Official Line-up: Only players on the submitted and accepted team roster are permitted to play. Players can be added to the official team roster up until the completion of the 2nd match. After the completion of the 2nd match, all rosters will be frozen and teams will not be permitted to add players for the remainder of the season.


3.2.1. Double rostering.  A player may not be rostered on two teams in the same age group.

3.2.2. Eligible players.  In the event that a team is unable to field a full side, a team may use non-rostered players in order to allow the game to proceed, provided all of the following:

  1. The player would be eligible for play in the team’s age group according to USYSA age restrictions – Player age cutoff date is January 1st.  An easy way to determine age classification is by how old the player will be before January 1st. If the player is playing in a U10 age division, he or she cannot turn 11 before January 1st.
  2. The player is registered with Capital Soccer in the current playing season
  3. Prior approval is obtained from the opposing coach
  4. In some situations, in order to assist with league parity, and potentially from teams not being able to participate in a league, teams may have players who play in a league younger than their age grouping.  Team managers should communicate with Capital Soccer prior to league play in these situations. 


If any of these criteria are not satisfied, use of a non-rostered player will result in a forfeit loss by the offending team.

3.3 Substitutes: The referee’s authority and jurisdiction shall extend to all bench personnel and players. Spectators are prohibited from team bench areas. The bench/team area will consist only of the players submitted and accepted on the team roster and a maximum of 3 individuals specified as “team personnel”. The names of these individuals should be submitted on the official team roster handed in to the league administrator. “Team Personnel” must be 21 years or older. All youth teams must be accompanied by at least one individual specified as “team personnel” and must be 21 years of age or older. “Team Personnel” includes coaches and team representatives.

3.4 Unlimited Substitutions: During the game, unlimited “on-the-fly” substitutions are permitted at any time for field players and the goalkeeper provided that both the following two conditions are satisfied.

  1. The player(s) leaving the field must be within his team’s substitution zone, 3 feet (1 yard) from the player’s own bench area, or off the field in the bench area.  Players being substituted may not leave the field outside of the substitution zone unless instructed to do so by the referee.
  2. Neither players entering the field or players departing the field may participate in play when they are simultaneously on the field.

A substitution may be made at any time, regardless of whether the ball is in play or not, provided that the following conditions are observed:

• the player leaving the pitch does so via his/her own team’s substitution zone.

• the player entering the pitch does so via his/her own team’s substitution zone but

not until the player leaving the pitch has entered the substitution zone

• a substitute is subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referees, whether

he is called upon to play in a match or not

• the substitution is completed when the substitute enters the pitch, at which

moment he becomes an active player and the player whom he is replacing

ceases to be an active player


3.5 Guaranteed Substitutions.  If the ball goes out of play, by crossing either touchline or end line, or hits the superstructure, a team representative may call for a guaranteed substitution.  The referee may delay the restart, and signal the requesting team to make its substitutions without play being restarted.  The substitution may last no more than 10 seconds.  No substitution will be guaranteed until acknowledgement from the referee is given. No guaranteed substitutions will be allowed within the last two minutes of each half of the match.


3.6 Infringements/Sanctions. If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch before the player being replaced is a maximum of three feet from his team’s bench area:

  1. play shall be stopped
  2. the player being replaced shall be instructed to leave the pitch
  3. the substitute shall be cautioned, shown the blue card and ordered to leave the pitch to serve a two minute time penalty
    1. If the substitution violates a condition (1) only, the referee may choose to give a verbal warning to the offending team. Subsequent violations must be penalized by a time penalty.

Play shall be restarted with a direct free kick to the opposing team from the place where the ball was situated when the game was stopped

  1. If, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitch or a player being substituted leaves the pitch from anywhere other than his own team’s substitution zone:

• play shall be stopped

• the offending player shall be cautioned and ordered to leave the pitch to complete the substitution procedure

• play shall be restarted with a direct free kick to the opposing team from the place where the ball was situated when the game was stopped

3.7 Injured Player. A player attended to on the field by bench personnel is not required to leave the field. If play is stopped for an injury, and the bench personnel are called onto the field, either team may have a guaranteed substitution. Referees should stop play only when the team of the injured player gains possession of the ball, if the position of the injured player is critical to the play, or if, in the opinion of the referee, the injury appears serious in nature.

3.8  Time Penalties for Substitution Violations: For any of the following offenses, the offending team’s coach shall designate any player to serve the time penalty:

  1. Playing without a goalkeeper
  2. Illegal substitution of a goalkeeper (two on the field)
  3. Delay of substitutions after warning

Law 4- Players’ Equipment:

4.1 Usual Equipment: The equipment of a player is a shirt, short, socks, and indoor soccer footwear/sneakers EXCEPT FOR THE GOALKEEPER, NO LONG PANTS OR SWEATS ARE PERMITTED. Numbers are recommended on the back of the shirt. Uniforms should be of like color. In cases where two teams have similar colors, the referee shall designate the team to wear pinnies, which will be provided by Capital Soccer.


4.3 Footwear: A player’s footwear must be flat-soled shoes or others designed for an artificial surface. Studded footwear must have at least 30 molded mini-studs. A player who loses a shoe during the normal course of play may continue to participate in the run of play, but must seek to put it on again at the earliest possible moment.

4.4 Goalkeeper: The goalkeeper must wear colors which distinguish him/her from the field players and the referee. This rule applies to field players who replace the goalkeeper. The keeper may wear protective headgear subject to referee approval.

4.5 Dangerous Equipment: Players shall not be permitted to wear necklaces, bracelets, rings, or chains at any time during the playing of the game. Un-removable jewelry may be taped at the discretion of the referee so that it does not present a danger to the wearer or other players. All players (keeper and field) are prohibited from wearing any type of hat on the field (with the exception of Law 4.4). Properly padded casts may be worn, at the discretion of the referee. A player found infringing Law 4.5 shall be sent off the field of play, (on-the-fly substitution). The player sent off may not return until the he is in compliance with Law 4.5. . A player returning to play without removing all dangerous equipment shall be assessed an Unsportsmanlike Conduct Time Penalty.

Law 5- Referee

5.1 Referees’ Authority: A system of employing one referee is generally used. In some cases, 2 referees will be used. In the case, both will be considered the “Referee.” Their authority begins when they enter the field of play and extends to all areas of the arena including the spectators. The referees are responsible for the record of the game and the keeping of the official time.

5.2 Powers: The referees’ power to penalize includes offenses committed when the ball is out of play or when play has been temporarily suspended. Referees’ decisions on points of fact connected with play shall be final. They shall:

  1. Enforce the rules. If a player commits two infringements, the referee shall penalize the more serious offense.
  2. Advantage: Refrain from penalizing in cases where a stoppage of play would give an advantage to the offending team. The referee may still penalize the original foul if the advantage is not realized.
  3. Discretionary Power: The referees have discretionary power to stop the game for any infringement and to suspend or terminate the game due to field/building conditions, spectator interference, or other causes. A detailed report shall be submitted to the league.
  4. Penalize/Caution: From the time they enter the field, penalize any player or team personnel guilty of misconduct, caution any player for unsporting behavior, and eject, if the player persists. In such cases, the referee shall report the offender to the league via an official game report.
  5. Illegal Entry: Allow no person other than the players to enter the field of play without permission.
  6. Injury Stoppage: Stop the game if, in their opinion, a player has been injured, in accordance with Law 3.7
  7. Ejection: Send off the field of play any player or team personnel who is guilty of:

Violent conduct or serious foul play, Foul or abusive language/behavior, or Persistent misconduct after having received a Caution.

  1. Signal for Recommencement of the game after all stoppages.
  2. Ball Approval: Determine if the ball provided meets with the requirements
  3. Non-Player Discipline: Caution or eject (see Law 12) any non-playing personnel entering the field without the referee’s permission except during game stoppages designated by the referee, injury time-out by the referee, between halves.
  4. On Premises, Off field Discipline: The referee may caution or eject (see Law 12), players and non-playing team personnel, following the conclusion of a game, on the premises. The referee shall report the offender via the official game report. A team may be disciplined for the behavior of their spectators or personnel.

Law 6- Duration of the Game

6.1 Duration: The duration of a regulation game shall be two (2) halves of 25 minutes (running time) each for a total of fifty (50) minutes, subject to the following:

  1. Ball in Play: The clock may be stopped for injuries, serious time wasting, and when the ball is kicked out of play for an extended period of time, at the discretion of the referee.
  2. Play Extension: Play shall be extended to permit the taking of a penalty kick if an infraction occurred immediately prior to the expiration of time.

6.2 Intervals Between Halves. Normally, a (2) two minute half-time is provided. The referee may shorten the half-time interval to one (1) minute if the game is behind schedule due to a delay in the game or in previous games.

6.3 Time-out. There will be no time outs allotted

Law 7- The Start of Play

7.1 Beginning of the Game: The direction of the kickoff shall be designated by the referee. If possible, all kickoffs shall be taken by the team that faces the Civic Center scoreboard. Generally, the benches are chosen on a first come, first serve basis. After the referee has given the signal, the game shall be started by a place-kick. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward or backward. The kicker may not play the ball a second time before another player has touched it. A goal may be scored directly from a kickoff.

7.2 Punishment: If a kickoff is not taken correctly, the kickoff shall be retaken. If the kicker plays the ball a second time before it has been touched by another player (or if not played forward), a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the infraction.

Law 8 – Restarts

8.1 Whistle restart. In the following instances: A referee’s 2nd whistle is required to restart the match:

  1. After a goal has been scored
  2. After a time penalty has been awarded
  3. On an injury time out
  4. Between halves

8.2 Restarts-Ball Over Touchline

a. Kick-In: When the whole of the ball passes over the touchline, it shall be kicked in by a player of the opposing team from the point on the touchline where it crossed out of bounds. The ball shall be in play when it is kicked and moves. A goal may not be scored directly from a touchline kick-in. NOTE: If the ball touches the superstructure of the building (ceiling, lights), it will be ruled out of play, and a kick-in will be awarded at the spot on the touchline closest to where the ball contacted the superstructure.

b. The Goal Clearance : When the whole of the ball passes over the end line between the corner flag posts, having last been touched by a player of the attacking team, play shall be started with a free throw from the goalkeeper. The ball is not in play until it leaves the penalty area. 

A goal clearance is a method of restarting play. A goal may not be scored directly from a goal clearance.


  • The ball shall be thrown from any point inside the penalty arc by the goalkeeper of the defending team
  • Opponents shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play
  • The ball shall be deemed in play when it is thrown directly out of the penalty area

c. Infringements/Sanctions: If the ball is not thrown directly out of the penalty area, the goal clearance shall be retaken

If, once the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time before it has been touched by an opponent or crossed the halfway line, an indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred

If the goal clearance is not taken within 4 seconds of the goalkeeper taking possession of the ball, A direct free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team on the spot in between the penalty arc and the halfway line.

A goal may not be scored directly from a goalkeeper throw.  If the ball is thrown during a goal clearance, and does not touch any other player before entering the opposing team’s goal, a goal clearance shall be awarded to the defending team.

8.3 Corner Kick: When the whole of the ball passes over the end line between the corners, having last been touched by a player of the defending team, play shall be restarted by a corner kick. A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick. The whole of the ball shall be placed on the corner at the nearest corner to where the ball exited the field. A second whistle by the referee is NOT mandatory before a corner kick may be taken.

8.4 Drop Ball Restart: When restarting the game after a stoppage of play for any cause not covered elsewhere in these laws, the referee shall drop the ball at the place where play was stopped. If in the penalty box, the ball shall be dropped at the nearest point outside the penalty box.

Law 9- Ball In and Out of Play:

The ball is out of play:

  1. When it has completely crossed the touch line or end line.
  2. When it hits any part of the building superstructure above the field of play. Play will be restarted with a kick-in for the opposing team from the touchline nearest the spot on the pitch directly beneath where the ball struck the superstructure.
  3. When the game has been stopped by the referee.

Law 10- Method of Scoring

10.1 Legal Goal: Except as otherwise stated in the Laws, a goal is scored when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line, between the goal-posts and under the crossbar, if it has not been intentionally handled by a player of the attacking side. The team scoring the greatest number of goals during the game shall be the winner.

Law 11- Fouls/Misconduct/Penalties

11.1 Fouls: A player who commits any of the following offenses in a manner considered by the referee to be careless or reckless shall be penalized by the referee awarding a free kick to the opposing team. The kick is taken from the point of the infraction (subject to the exclusions in Law 13)

  1. Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
  2. Trips an opponent by use of legs or by stooping in front or behind
  3. Jumps at an opponent
  4. Charges an opponent from behind unless the latter is shielding the ball in a legal manner
  5. Charges an opponent in a violent or dangerous manner
  6. Strikes, elbows, or spits at an opponent, or attempts to strike or elbow an opponent; a time penalty must be assessed.
  7. Holds an opponent
  8. Pushes an opponent
  9. Handles the ball (i.e. carries, strikes, or propels the ball with the arm) This does not apply to a goalkeeper within the defensive penalty area. Intentionally handling by a field player to prevent a goal will result in the player being red-carded. A goal cannot be awarded if Law 10.1 does not occur.
  10. Slide-tackling.
  11. Playing in a dangerous manner
  12. Charging fairly at an improper time, i.e. with the shoulder, when the ball is not within playing distance;
  13. When not playing the ball, intentionally obstructing an opponent, i.e. running between the opponent and the ball, or placing the body so as to form an obstacle to an opponent. If a player protects the ball without touching it to prevent play by an opponent, but within playing distance of the ball, the Rules are not infringed as the player is in possession of the ball and shields it for tactical reasons.
  14. Charging the goalkeeper inside the penalty area (See rule 12.3 c, d, e, f).

11.2 Goalkeeping Restrictions: The following infractions are to be penalized by the referee awarding a free kick to the opponents at the top of the restraining arc:

  1. Hand to Hand: Having had control with the hands and releasing it from the hands to be played by oneself or a teammate, a goalkeeper shall not handle the ball again until it has been touched or played by an opponent, unless a stoppage of play occurs. 
  2. Passback: The goalkeeper shall not handle the ball if a teammate passes the ball back using his/her feet.
  3. 4-Second Distribution: Once a goalkeeper obtains possession of the ball within the penalty area, the ball must be distributed outside of the penalty arc or to another player within four (4) seconds. Possession shall be defined as control with hand or foot.
  4. Illegal Procedure-Handling: A goalkeeper who obtains possession of the ball outside the penalty arc, may not handle the ball inside the penalty area prior to the ball being touched by another player or a stoppage in play.

Additionally, the following restrictions shall apply:

  1. Handball Outside Area: Intentional handballs committed by the goalkeeper outside the penalty area shall be considered “severe in nature”. A time penalty must be awarded against the goalkeeper who, in the opinion of the referee, handles the ball in a deliberate attempt to break up a play or save a shot on goal outside the penalty area. Situations where the goalkeeper legally handles the ball within the penalty area but is carried outside the area by momentum shall not be deemed “severe in nature” and a time penalty shall not be awarded.
  2. Goalkeeper Striking: If during play, the goalkeeper intentionally strikes an opponent by throwing the ball violently or pushing with the ball at the opponent, the referee shall caution or eject as appropriate and award a penalty kick if the offense was initiated from within the penalty area.

11.3 Goalkeeping Privileges:

  1. Goalkeeper Time Penalties: A time penalty assessed against the goalkeeper may be served by another member of the team but charged to the goalkeeper. During the course of the time penalty, the goalkeeper may not be switched or substituted for a field player.
  2. Obstructing Goalkeeper: If a player intentionally obstructs the opposing goalkeeper in an attempt to prevent the goalkeeper from putting the ball into play, the referee shall award a free kick.
  3. Charging Goalkeeper: The referee shall award a free kick to the defense in the case of intentional contact by the attacking team with the goalkeeper not in possession of the ball in the goal area.
  4. Inadvertent Fouls: Fouls which are inadvertently committed against the goalkeeper, in the opinion of the referee, may still result in a free kick against the offending team.
  5. Endangering the Goalkeeper: A player who intentionally fouls the goalkeeper in a way which, in the opinion of the referee falls short of serious foul play but still endangers the goalkeeper beyond what is considered the normal hazard of play, shall be cautioned for Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
  6. Violent Charge of Goalkeeper/Serious Foul Play: The player who intentionally charges the goalkeeper in a violent manner or intentionally kicks the goalkeeper who has full possession of the ball shall be cautioned or ejected for serious foul play.

Law 12 – Penalties

12.1 Time Penalties: Time penalties shall be divided into the following categories:

  1. Team Time Penalties 2 Minutes
  2. Penal Time Penalties 2 Minutes
  3. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Time Penalties 2 Minutes
  4. Cautionable Time Penalties 2 Minutes
  5. Ejectionable Time Penalties 5 Minutes

These time penalties may be applied after the start of the game whether or not play is in progress

  1. Blue/Yellow/Red Cards: Team, Penal, and Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalties shall be indicated by the referee showing a blue card. Cautionable time penalties shall be indicated by a yellow card. Ejectionable time penalties shall be indicated by a red card.
  2. Delayed Penalty: The referee may choose to apply the advantage and not stop the game for an offense which warrants a time penalty. If the advantage is applied, the time penalty shall be administered when play stops. The restart is the same as indicated by the stoppage of play. If the advantage was applied after a penal offense, the restart shall be as indicated in Law 12.10
  3. Power-play Goal: If a goal is scored during a power-play by the team with more players, than a player from the team scored against shall return to play. If more than one player is serving a penalty, the player with the least time remaining shall return to play. This does not apply to ejectionable 
  4. Misconduct by Non-Players: Bench personnel (2 maximum) shall be defined as any non-player in the bench area with the permission of the coach. Bench personnel may be cautioned and subsequently ejected for any of the following offenses: (A team penalty shall be served)
  1. Entering the field of play without the referee’s permission
  2. Using foul of abusive language
  3. Repeated dissent of the referee’s decision.
  1. Equal Number of Penalties Elapsing: If an equal number of players from both teams are legally on the field of play when a goal is scored, no player serving a time penalty shall return to play.
  2. Penalty Kick: If a penalized player is in the penalty box for a foul which resulted in the awarding of a penalty kick, then that player shall be released if the penalty kick is scored directly.
  3. Multiple Penalties: A maximum of two (2) penalties shall count down simultaneously. If a penalty occurs with a team having two or more players serving time penalties, the additional time penalties shall not commence until a previous penalty has expired.
  4. Minimum Number Players on the field: There must always be a minimum of three (3) players on the field of play. If a team is penalized with a time penalty with two (2) already being served, the third player must go the penalty box and be replaced by a substitute on the field. The penalty time shall commence in accordance with section (g). The player being released shall return to play in accordance with section 1.
  5. Return to Play/Restriction: When a team has three (3) or more players serving time penalties simultaneously, a substitute for the third player is on the field of play.
  6. Ejected Coach (Team Personnel) Restriction: An ejected coach (or Team Personnel member) must leave the field area immediately and may not have any communication with his/her team until the team leaves the field area. The field area consists of the entire arena inside the 3rd set of glass doors. Team Personnel receiving an ejection shall be penalized for the remainder of the current match, and the teams following match.
  7. Authorized Penalty Box Exit: A player shall not leave the penalty box unless released by the referee. A player may leave the penalty box to consult with his team at half-time. A player leaving the box must return to the field before being replaced by a substitute. When a time penalty has been given, the player serving the penalty must enter and exit through the penalty box only. The player cannot return to his/her bench area and serve the penalty.

12.2      Team Time Penalties: A two minute “Team” time penalty will be served by a player designated by the coach for any of the following offenses. The player chosen shall not be charged with the penalty.

  1. Illegal Substitutions:
  2. Leaving Bench for Confrontation: The referee may also penalize individual players of bench personnel.

(Example: Coaching your goalkeeper from behind the goal)

  1. Referee Crease Violation: A penalty may be issued if players or bench staff congregate in the area of the referee crease for purposes of disputing or dissenting the decision of the referee. The referee may also penalize individual players.
  2. Bench Misconduct: Defined as physical or verbal abuse of the referee where the offender is not identifiable. A verbal warning shall be issued for the first offense. A team time penalty shall be assessed for subsequent violations. This does not prohibit referees from penalizing individual players or bench personnel.

12.3      Penal Time Penalties: A two-minute “penal” time penalty may be assessed, at the referee’s discretion, against a player guilty of severe, tactical, or blatant, penal offenses listed in Law 12, Section 1. A penalty must always be awarded for boarding, elbowing, and striking. A foul which warrants a Penal category time penalty shall result in a penalty kick if the foul occurs in the defending team’s penalty area while the ball is in play.


12.4      Unsportsmanlike Conduct Time Penalties: For any of the following offenses, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team.

  1. Referee’s Discretion: At the discretion of the referee, a penalty may be assessed to any player deemed guilty of Unsportsmanlike Conduct (UC) which does not warrant a caution. Any player of member of the team/bench personnel who uses foul or abusive language will be deemed unsporting and will receive a 2 minute blue card.
  2. Cumulative Caution/Ejection: The awarding of a second Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty to a player shall require an automatic caution. A third such penalty shall require automatic ejection.
  3. Encroachment: If a referee requests compliance with Law 13, Section 2 and the player refuses or if a defending player within 15 feet intentionally interferes with the taking of the free kick, that player shall be assessed a UC time penalty. The referee is not obligated to ask the defender to give the required distance. Violations may be punished by a time penalty without warning. Any attempt to delay the taking of a free kick will be punished by a time penalty without warning.
  4. Equipment Adjustment: A player reentering the game after having failed to adjust equipment, as requested by the referee, shall be assessed a UC time penalty.
  5. Delaying Restart of Game: Players of the offending team shall not engage in tactics which delay the restart or otherwise waste time immediately after a whistle to stop play. This includes kicking the ball over the perimeter wall or touching or moving the ball by the offending team which in any way delays the restart. For any violation, the offending player shall be assessed a UC time penalty. It is at the discretion of the referee to add time to replace the time lost.
  6. Gesticulating: A player who attempts to distract a player by word or gesture shall be assessed a UC time penalty.
  7. Unauthorized Penalty Box Exit: A player who intentionally exits the penalty box before the expiration of his/her time penalty shall be assessed a UC time penalty. The time is added on to the remaining time on that player’s first penalty.
  8. Spitting on the Field Carpet: A player who spits on the carpet at any time during the course of a game,

Including between periods shall be penalized by a UC time penalty. At all other times, the referee shall report the incident to the league via the Game Report

12.5      Cautionable Time Penalty: A player shall be cautioned for persistent infringement of the Laws or if guilty of unsporting behavior.

For any of these offenses, in addition to the two-minute caution time penalty, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team.

  1. Cumulative Penalty Caution: A player shall be cautioned for the second Penal time penalty, second UC time penalty, or a combination of one each.
  2. Second Penal During Delayed: If the offending player is guilty of a second time penalty offense while playing under the delayed blue card advantage signal, that player may receive an additional penalty as appropriate.
  3. Serious Penal Offense: If a penal offense is judge as serious nature, but does not warrant an ejection, the referee may choose to caution the offender for a first offense. The time penalty assessed in two minutes.

12.6  Ejectionable time Penalties: A player shall be sent off the field of play (ejected), if in the opinion of the referee:

  1. Is guilty of violent conduct or serious foul play
  2. Persists in misconduct after having received a caution
  3. Receives any combination of three time penalties charged to that individual
  4. Uses foul or abusive language or behavior towards spectators

If play is stopped for a player to be ejected for an offense without separate breach of the Laws having been committed, the game shall be resumed by a free kick awarded to the opposing team.

  1. Duration of Ejectionable Penalty: When a player is ejected a five (5) minute time penalty shall be assessed to the offender which shall be served by another player from his team designated by the coach. Referees are instructed not to restart play until the ejected player or bench personnel leave the field area. The ejected player must retire beyond the first set of glass doors that lead into the arena. The player shall be penalized for the remainder of the current match, and the teams following match.
  2. Simultaneous Ejections: In situations involving two or more simultaneous ejectionable time penalties in situations where players on opposing teams have been issued ejections, the penalties shall negate each other on a one-for-one basis. (The ejected players leave the field, but no penalty is served.)
  3. Maximum Time for Single Incident: No player, or substitute, for an ejected player, shall serve more than five (5) minutes for a single incident. A single incident is defined as occurring from the original stoppage of play until play is restarted. A player serving a 5 minute penalty WILL NOT BE RELEASED, EVEN AFTER A GOAL, UNTIL THE ENTIRE PENALTY HAS BEEN SERVED.
  4. Unseemly Behavior: Spitting at other persons, committing a serious foul on the goalkeeper in full possession of the ball, or similar unseemly behavior, shall be considered to be violent conduct. The red card will be awarded to players who infringe upon this rule.
  5. Delay of Restart After Ejection; If a referee ejects a player, the restart shall not be taken until that player has left the field.
  6. Misconduct after Ejection: If in the opinion of the referee, a player persists in misconduct of any kind, towards the referee, other players, or spectators, the referee may assess a five minute penalty. In this case, the player serving the penalty for the ejected player must serve the entire full five minutes regardless of the number of goals scored by the opposing team.

12.7      Delayed Time Penalty: In situations where the Referee would want to penalize a player with a two minute time penalty while at the same time wishing to apply the advantage clause, the referee will acknowledge the foul and signal the advantage by raising the blue card and maintaining that signal until such time as:

  1. Opponent Possession: The offending team gains possession of the ball. The referee shall signal the foul with a whistle, penalize the offending player, and restart with a free kick for the opposing team at the approximate point of the original foul.
  2. Goal: A goal is scored by the opposing team. The offending player’s offense is recorded but no time penalty is served.
  3. Stoppage: Play is stopped by another foul or ball out of play. The offending player guilty of the foul which initiated the blue card advantage shall be penalized. Play is restarted according to the infraction which caused play to be stopped.

Law 13- Free Kick

13. 1 Free Kick Regulations: When play has been stopped for a foul or other infractions, play shall be restarted with a “free” kick taken by a player of the opposing team. When a free kick is being taken, all the opposing players shall be at least fifteen feet (15’) from the ball. The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken and the kicker shall have five (5) seconds within which to play the ball after being signaled to do so by the referee. Failure to put the ball into play in time will result in the restart being “turned-over” to the opponent. The ball shall be in play when it is kicked and moves. The player taking the free kick may not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player (this includes rebounds off the goal post and crossbar of either goal). A goal may be scored directly against either team from such a kick. A whistle is not required unless the referee instructs the players to “wait for the whistle.” This is at the referee’s discretion. (See Law 8 –Restarts.)

  1. Location: Subject to the exclusions in these Laws, a free kick shall be taken from within two feet of the point of the infraction. If a team gains an unfair advantage from the location of the kick, the kick shall be retaken.
  2. Free Kick in Defensive Goal Area: A free kick awarded to the defending team, within its own goal area, may be taken from any point within the goal area.
  3. Free Kicks Originating in Penalty Area: When a player is taking a free kick from within the defensive penalty area, all opposing players shall remain outside the penalty area and at least fifteen (15) feet from the location of the ball until the ball has been kicked out of the penalty area. The ball is not in play until it leaves the penalty area. If the ball is not kicked directly into play, the kick shall be taken.
  4. Free Kick in Attacking Penalty Area: Any free kick awarded to the attacking team is in its opponent’s penalty area shall be taken from the spot between the penalty spot and the center circle unless a penalty kick has been awarded. A penalty kick shall be taken in accordance with Law 14.

Law 14- Penalty Kick (for Penalty Kick Placement, see Law 1.1)

14.1 Definition: A penalty kick is a free kick awarded to the offense. It is taken from the penalty mark, against the goalkeeper, without interference from other players. It can be awarded irrespective of the position of the ball, if in play, at the time an offense is committed. A penalty kick shall be awarded if a player of the defending team commits a foul within the defensive penalty area, including the area behind the goal line bounded by the net.

14.2 Regulations: All players, except the defending goalkeeper and the player taking the kick, shall remain behind the ball, and its extension to the touchlines. In addition, no players may not interfere with the kicker in any way. The referee shall spot the ball on the penalty mark and identify the player taking the kick. The goalkeeper must stand on the goal line and cannot move off the line until the ball is kicked, but may move along the line. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward. The kicker may not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player.

14.3 Violations by the Defense: If, in the opinion of the referee, premature movement by the goalkeeper or encroachment by the defense affected the result of the kick, or possession immediately following the kick, the referee shall signal for the kick to be retaken.

14.4 Violations by the Offense: If, in the opinion of the referee, encroachment by the attacking team distracts the goalkeeper, or if an encroaching player receives the rebound, the referee shall award a free kick to the defending team. If the kicker plays the ball a second time without having touched another player, a free kick shall be awarded to the defense from the spot of the infraction.

14.5 Penalty Expiration Exclusion: If the penalty kick results in a goal scored, the offending player shall be released from serving the time penalty. The player will not be released if the player serving the penalty is serving a red-card 5- minute major.

14.6 Penalty in Extended Play: Play shall be extended at the end of any period to allow a penalty kick to be taken or retaken. Any combination of rebounds from the ground, the goalkeeper, the crossbar, or the goal posts, are considered part of the play.

Standings and Championships

Standings will be kept and updated regularly.

The following will be used in tie-breaking situations

  1. Head to Head results of the teams involved in the tie
  2. Plus/Minus goal differential throughout the season
  3. Goals for throughout the season
  4. Goals against throughout the season

The following will be used to determine league standings

Win = 3 points

Tie = 1 point

Loss = O points

Final league standings are based on cumulative points that a team has earned throughout the entire season. The team with the most points, a the conclusion of the final game, will be named “Champion”. In the even of a tie in points, the above tie-breaker will be used.

For the purposes of league statistics, the maximum goal differential recorded per game is 10 goals. For example, if a match is won 14-1, the recorded score will be 11-1




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Capital Soccer Club
4 North Park Drive
Montpelier, VT 05602